We are
N.S.B. Prime
Holdings Ltd.
Since 2010
About us
“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor” -Elon Musk
About us
The company was founded on Sept 2010 by Niño Manuel Sta Ana Benedicto
Ventured its first business with Nickel Trading eventually expanded to Iron Sand Production. Outsourcing from the Philippines and sending the goods to Mainland China, Taiwan, and South Korea. From there we diversified to Construction materials like cement from Vietnam and Thailand, we sell it to the Philippines; Agricultural Products like rice from Vietnam and send it to the Philippines.
We also invested in other businesses like BPO. When the trade war affected the USA / CHINA relationship, we decided to explore the market in Europe thru our sister company DYNAMIC PROSPERITY TRADING AG (dptagch.com). As of the moment, we are currently operating under their guidance.
To be one of the prominent business entities in Asia that works with balancing the traditional and modern business culture. Yin/Yang principle.
To serve the client and bridge the gap in trading between SME and Big Brands across the globe. World needs equity not equality, we will provide the best services in terms of trading commodities.
Contact us
If need any info please contact us!
FL/RM 2305A 23rd Floor, World Wide House
19 Des Veoux Rd, Central Hong Kong SAR. PRC
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